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Sccm Wsus Sync Error "Microsoft Software License Terms Have Not Been Completely Downloaded" Updated FREE

Sccm Wsus Sync Error "Microsoft Software License Terms Have Not Been Completely Downloaded"

I've seen this popular upward a few times in forums and even in a few SCCM implementations. It'southward actually a fairly elementary fix if you lot know which log files to expect at. Bank check your logs and/or keep reading this post to come across how to fix the wonderful Microsoft Software License Terms have not been completely downloaded WSUS Upshot.

Poor Health – The Kickoff Indicator

Since y'all've probably been looking in the Monitoring workspace of SCCM and check out the component status, you've probably come up beyond that the SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER was blood-red and unhappy.

If you right click and look at the letters, you'll discover a pretty generic mistake:

WSUS Synchronization failed.

Message: Failed to sync some of the updates.

Source: Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.SoftwareUpdatesManagement.WsusSyncAction.WSyncAction.SyncUpdates.

Time to Research – Bank check your Logs

There are two main logs to cheque on your Primary Site server:

  1. C:\Programme Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\WCM.log
  2. C:\Programme Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\wsyncmgr.log

The first log file WCM is a great log to meet when the SUP updates is triggering and which SUP the Main is dealing with.

For this upshot though the existent log message volition show up in the wsyncmgr.log. Here it is:

If you lot find the 2 GUIDs in red, they match the GUID above in the white line. This will show y'all the update proper noun that is failing. Another manner to become proper name of the update via GUID is to continue over to and search for the GUID there.

OK OK, y'all might have already institute this, but you've been searching the internet for the answer. Go along reading!

Time to Dig Deeper – Keep Checking Your Logs

Let'due south think about this for a second. We know we have an SCCM component that uses WSUS. WSUS is usually pretty stable once it'southward gear up. We know we're having some issues between components, but where is the actual error coming from? How can nosotros dig deeper? Remember those ii log files I mentioned in a higher place and said that WCM.log shows which SUP the Primary Site is dealing with. Everything looks prissy and happy in there. It is able to talk to WSUS on the web ports (fourscore/443 or 8530/8531).

To me this is showing me that the Primary SCCM WSUS component is somewhat happy. Let's log onto the server that has the SUP function installed.

Now that we are on that server, have nosotros looked at the Consequence Log? Let'due south try that. Open up Event Viewer and click the application log. Well we know we are dealing with WSUS, so allow'south filtering the log by showing simply the "Windows Server Update Services" error messages.

Now permit'southward look at the error letters! In my example I had a lot of event ID 12072 errors. WSUS could not detect the anonymousCheckFile.txt. I know recently that the SUP points had been rebuilt. I'one thousand thinking that the wsusutil.exe postinstall path command was incorrect every bit the error message shows ii WsusContent directories.

We can double cheque that the path doesn't exist past some uncomplicated commands at the command prompt. As you lot meet below, the anonymousCheckFile.txt is where it should be. But for some reason ours is looking in F:\WSUS\WsusContent\WsusContent\anonymousCheckFile. One directory too deep.

We can also verify this in the registry. We need to look at the ContentDir primal in the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Update Services\Server\Setup location. Again, this should only exist F:\WSUS.

The Set up / Solution

Well we tin can change the value in a few places, just I'one thousand sure someone usually has an issue with WSUS, tries to fix it via blog posts and just fat fingers the POSTINSTALL command. When yous're initially setting upwardly the WSUS you usually have a direct and create an empty WSUS directory. If you lot have problems and reissue the POSTINSTALL command you may hit an actress tab that adds on the WsusContent directory or you may fifty-fifty blazon it. This is incorrect.

Let's fix it past running:


CD C:\Plan Files\Update Services\Tools


Just to keep in mind, if y'all make whatsoever manual changes to the registry etc, it's always best to:

  1. Restart IIS
  2. Restart the Windows WSUS Service (WsusService)
  3. Check the Effect log for errors
  4. Run the SCCM Synchronize and recheck all the logs aboveForce Update Sync from SCCM

More Places where the CONTENT_DIR values is Stored

After you run the POSTINSTALL command, the value is updated in several places.

  1. The registry
  2. SQL Server
  3. IIS

SQL Server

Updated when you run the POSTINSTALL from whatsoever computer that points to this DB server. Ensure that every SUP indicate that shares this database uses the same file share. In the screenshot below it is not using a shared DB, therefore shows a local path

SUP Server IIS –

Shared Content and Database Gotchas

When running with a Shared WSUS configuration (Come across my postal service Configuring Multiple Software Update Points (SUP) in SCCM) you need to fix IIS. Keep in listen that WSUS has been around and was not initially designed to run with a shared content directory. When the post install updates the IIS Virtual Directory Content, it strips out the \\ of the server name and only puts SERVERNAME\WSUS\WsusContent\. Yous need to edit this and add the \\ to the start of the server name.

This is what it looks like after you lot run the POST INSTALL. It's wrong!

After editing, this is correct and what information technology should look like:

Check Directory and Share Permissions

To allow the WSUS to work properly with a shared content directory the following share and directory permissions need to be ready:

  1. NETWORK SERVICE – Full Command
  2. Primary Site Server Computer Account – Full Command
  3. SUP Server 1 Computer Business relationship – Full Control
  4. SUP Server 2 Computer Account – Total Command
  5. SUP Server 3 Computer Account – Total Command
  6. Whatsoever WSUS Proxy Account that is used – Full Control
  7. Domain Admins – Full Control (Nice to take for management/troubleshooting, but not required.

If you're running a local content database, then NETWORK SERVICE with full control should suffice.

Let me reiterate

When you lot make any changes, and you lot're getting generic errors. Bank check the overlooked components similar IIS web logs, Windows event logs and filter by the components such as Windows Server Update Services.

Hope this helps troubleshoot any SCCM and/or WSUS issues!

Sccm Wsus Sync Error "Microsoft Software License Terms Have Not Been Completely Downloaded"



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